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Mini-planner + colored cup

Product code: 0202
UA ₴ 555.00
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Description: Mini-planner + colored cup

Our happiness recipe: turn on your favorite music, make tea or coffee, and write down all your ideas in a planner! And to make the process even more enjoyable and simple, we offer our super kit: planner + colored cup! Choose your favorite product colors and be sure to include them in the comment on your order.

Planners I have a plan: with peonies, peach, lavender, gray.

Colored cups: Girl power, I'm hot you are not (pink), Moore meow, Unicorn (lavender), This is my day, Happiness; I'm hot you are not (black), I have a plan, Rock star, Create your own story, You can win if you want.

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Mini-planner + colored cup
Product code: 0202
UA ₴555.00
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