Gift categories

We will deliver in food products in 24 hours, or we will return money for delivery!

Gifts for Ukraine –we will challenge ourselves for one week!
We will deliver products to regional centers within 24 hours or otherwise we will pay money back for the delivery. After all, talking about improvements, it is not just words, we take action. And this time, we are starting to introduce fast delivery. Any product that you choose on our website in the grocery store, we will deliver to regional centers within 24 hours. We know that time is the most precious thing now. All of us are run out of it.
Especially, when it is about care for our relatives in Ukraine and we urgently need to buy and deliver products for them. So friends, test us, order our products and help us to become better every day.
* By delivering within 24 hours we mean:
delivery to regional centers of orders made from Monday to Friday.
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