Gift categories

"Back To School". We give you $ 100 on your favorite books !

We give you $ 100 on your favorite books!
Take part in contest from Gifts For Ukraine. Let’s preparing for school together. GIFTS FOR UKRAINE will give three certificates of $ 100 to each winner and you will be able to choose books that will be needed and interesting to your students in Ukraine from our partners - the online bookstore YAKABOO! How to win? It is easy
All you need:
-    Buy on the website any product from the category "" Back To School " for a sum from 50 USD$.
The winner will be chosen on September 1. We will deliver the gift to your relatives in Ukraine. Remember, more purchases - more chances to win, because the contest will be held among all customers who made a purchase between 13.08 - 01.09!
And only those who meet all the conditions * will have a chance to win.
* The terms mean:
- make a purchase on the site any product from the category "" Back To School "  for a sum from 50 USD $ (or the equivalent amount) without taking into account the amount of delivery.
- in the period 13.08 - 01.09!
Wish you good luck!
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